Elina Salminem & Jeroen Vranken
From May 21st to July 2nd 2016


EXHIBITION CONCEPT by Yuna Mathieu-Chovet

Why does emptiness usually have such a very bad press ? Thanks to both artists presented, empty becomes full and nice. You can enjoy it, because full and empty are both components of life and art, and it seems strange to give one or the other any kind of preference. That’s the reason why Plagiarama presents a show full of emptiness, borrowing from Jeroen Vranken Vranken its expression describing the common presented works.
Jeroen Vranken Vranken shows a photographic work about the disappearance of his father. Through the distance of the camera, he started to take photographs of his father’s objects, then he photographed also the places those objects originated from. Trying to know him and to meet him, in search of his presence, he found some more absence. His works irradiates fully this emptiness, and reflects a very present absence.
Elina Salminen develops a work of painting and installation. She provides the full a wide emptiness that allows its perception. Moreover, the full she shows is usually very delicate and hardly visible. Reducing the boundaries between full and empty, she gives the tiny the possibility to be powerful, focusing our attention on the weakest sign. She offers a very absent presence, a work full of emptiness.

Both artists highlight the full of emptiness in their own ways, and remind us that the full, the being give the possibilities, then it is through the emptiness, the non-being that we can use it, as the empty in a glass of water allows us to drink.